
My name is Grayson and I am an English grad, a cat-lover, and a casual gamer with a bent towards the weird, the creepy, the experimental, and the heartrendingly gorgeous. This blog is where I share my experiences with the games that move me.

I am currently playing through and reporting on The Path by Tale of Tales and taking sidetrips through other games, namely Thomas Was Alone. The main features of this blog are my Play-by-plays (posts on my progress in-game and accompanying commentary) and Reviews (spoiler-free evaluations, analyses, and recommendations).

I recently graduated with a degree in English and a concentration in creative writing. I love art in unexpected forms, including video games, and I plan to use this blog to babble about it. This is my first blog and I welcome any feedback. If you are so inclined, feel free to leave a comment with your reactions, questions, or suggestions.

I have a Tumblr on which I announce updates. I also have a Twitter, on which I post more erratic updates and sundry details about my existence.

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